In 2018, Life Church Culburra Beach changed its name to Groundswell Church. The name is taken out of Isaiah 43:16-21 MSG. It speaks of a move of God, that was generated through the ocean and spread inland, a move of God that breaks chains and causes new life to spring up, this move of God that Isaiah writes about is a Groundswell.
A Groundswell is “a broad deep undulation of the ocean caused by an often distant gale or seismic disturbance” and “a rapid spontaneous growth, a groundswell of support” We believe that what God has started here in Culburra Beach is going to impact not only our region and nation, but the nations of the world. We see Groundswell church as a vibrant, life giving church, that connects people with God, each other and empowers people to “turn the world upside down”. We believe our call and mandate is to take Groundswell to our nation and plant life giving churches in communities.
We gather Sundays at 10am. We also have a number of gatherings during the week, where we get to connect together:
-weekly connect groups
-Prayer meetings Tuesday 6am and 6pm at Church
-Gather and Grow (our weekly playgroup) Wednesdays 10:30am during the School term
-Groundswell High, our Youth group gathering Fridays at 4pm during the School term
The Vision
Acts 17:6 talks about the accusation and reputation of the early church of being a people who turned the world upside down. They saw generations saved, communities changed and ushered in a new reality. With that burning in our spirit and our heart to pioneer new ground, Groundswell vision statement is “Extending the purposes of God from Church to community.”
The Mission
Groundswell church exists for people to connect with God through Jesus, for people to find freedom and find their place and purpose in community. Our heart is to see generations empowered to reach their world for Jesus and to be a people and a church marked with generosity.